Friday, May 30, 2008

Ding! what?

howdy folks,
Cynishade is resting on his laurels....has his feet up, has popped a noggenfogger elixir, and Ajax is curled on his cat bed purring.
The boy hit level 70. First level 70 for this crew.
Frankly we are not sure what to do now..............
we bought our flying mount....
we've heard sumpin about dailies....
time to level up first aid?


Ratshag said...


What to do at 70? Whatever the heck ya want. Is freedom from leveling, is how I always saw it.

Khol Drake said...


And yeah...time to lvl First Aid. That's the first thing I did on getting my warrior to 70...

Nibuca said...

Things to do (in no particular order)

1. Max skills. Anything < 375 should be taken to 375.
2. Make sure you have all the pet skills you need/want. Go on safari.
3. Start on Dailies (The Isle is a good place to start).
4. Amass a fortune.
5. Identify and acquire all the best pre-kara gear for your class/spec
6. Goto Kara. Identify and acquire all the Kara gear for your class/spec.
7. Visit Dr. Boom. Kill him a few times and figure out your best DPS shot rotation. Then figure out your best DPS rotation that conserves mana for long fights.
8. Start on "Champion of the Na'aru" quest chain to get the spiffy title.
9. Solo an instance.
10. Go back and kill XXX beast that smushed you when you were little.

Whatever you do.. don't just stand around Shatt telling Chuck Norris jokes.. that's lame.

70 isn't the end.. it's the beginning of the endgame.


Beowulfa said...

Yay Rabbit! Many congratz! And @ Nibuca: #10 is something I have been planning for a looong time now. First up are the Devilsaurs in Un'Goru ....

Pilar Stewart said...

@ all
thanks for the gratz. I'm dog tired today because I was up to 2:00 am to eek out those last few bars. /grin

@nibuca wow, what a great list. Seriously. I'm printing it out and am going to get Cyni to work