Monday, June 2, 2008

I am warrior, hear me roar

Okay truth be told...I'm not doing right by MadHare.

She's a perky lil warlock...ready to wreak havoc with her minions/buddies.

But when I send her out into the field, she dies. I can not seem to keep my girl alive. And it is hard to be fearsome when you are sprawled out dead and doing corpse runs. And frankly, how am I suppose to keep my minions enthralled if I embarrass them by getting consistently knocked out by "you no take candle" ratlings? My imp and blueberry are so pretending they don't know MadHare.

/sigh. Need to study "how to play a warlock"

So, I've told her to rest up a bit. She and Cynishade are all cozy in their deck chairs, working on their tans.

And I've rolled a warrior for the Sidhe Devils: Rarebit.

Ooooh aaaaah, I've never played a warrior: they are *fantastic*

Why is there always a dearth of warriors for Pugs/LFG channel?
Why isn't everyone rolling warrior?

Yes, I'm a simple gal: give me a big sword and shiny armor and let me go out and smash things.

(note to self: please Rarebit, study tanking before you embarrass yourself in an instance)


Ratshag said...

Welcomes to Rarebit!

Being a warrior is indeed a fun job. The lack of warrior tanks in lfg ain't so much 'cause folks don't want to warrior as it is they don't wanna tank fer strangers. Tanking requires what yer party members ain't impatient ignorant yahoos, especiallies if'n yer a warrior, 'cause of rage and threat mechanics. But tanking with folks ya trust is awesomes. So most warrior tanks, they just don't pug.

Beowulfa said...

Lol-and I agree with the Ratters, although my tanking experience is not vast-it's awesome if the people with you know what they're doing.

Rabbit Stew said...

@ratshag...oh! didn't occur to me that warriors might be opting out of LFG. Of course, I've been one of those yahoos who started DPS before the tank could grab aggro. (but not out of impatience...out of ignorance. Thanks for the welcome

Rabbit Stew said...

@beowulfa maybe someday I'll be a good enough warrior to tank for the Sidhe Devils and tanking with people I know. /looks off wistfully into the future.