Sunday, March 2, 2008

Workplace Safety

Hello fellow employees,

First off, "For the Horde!!" (That has to be the best motivational workplace phrase I've ever hard....makes me want to go out and kill some more quillboars just for the hell of it).

Just a memo from your newest employee, DeadRabbit. Who do I mention a potentially dangerous situation to? I was doing some Engineering work in the Valley of Honor and well, see the above. Um....I know that an Orc could probably take the resulting explosion without blinking a purty green eyelash. Probably find the breeze refreshing and all. But as one of the undead, my joints are not as well connected. It'd be hard for me to find all my parts if I was blown apart and I'd like to keep what I have.

Also, I'd like to really thank everyone for the warm welcome I've received here at Horde, Inc. Upon first being employed post-death, I was a little nervous and unsure (I attribute that to a little grave rot in the brain...hehehe). But everyone has been really great...especially you, Sumi, that was quite the...uh...vigorous hug.

See ya at the water cooler!

Dead Rabbit


Rusty said...

When I first started playing Alliance, I was both horrified and ashamed at the limp wristed greeting/farwell that I got from NPC's.

for the alliance.

Said just like that. Oh how I missed the gusto and enthusiasm that the Horde NPC's put into their phrase.


Anonymous said...

@Daxenos: The first day we played Pox Arcanum, you were freaking hilarious quoting all the greetings/farewells from the BEs. Now whenever I talk to an NPC, I giggle instead of just igoring their babble.

@Rabbit: Very very humorous. The picture actually says it all. Nicely done. It's like the Horde version of "The Office."

Rabbit Stew said...

@ Daxe: I was use to Alliance and now coming over to the Horde: they have some hearty greetings and some powerful lungs. Last night, some orc NPC said something very polite to me ("have a good night, ya'll come back now, ya'here?" or something like that) but I jumped because he said it was such enthusiasm

@gamedame: hahaha I love the Office. Have you seen the British version or the American?

Shawn said...

That picture is priceless. I'm gonna print it out and hang it by my computer.

Rabbit Stew said...

@ Fuller: did you see how I took my life in my hands? I'm a daredevil I am....standing fearlessly between the two. Glad you got a kick out the photo *grin*