Thursday, February 21, 2008

Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby

Fair warning folks: get ready for a metaphor. Ya'll know the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby? Here's the long version. The short version: a rabbit and a fox are not the best of friends. The fox sets a trap for the rabbit: a tar baby on the side of the road. The rabbit walks by and tries to start a conversation. Obviously, the tar baby doesn't say a thing. The rabbit eventually gets pissed enough that he throws a punch at the tar baby. And gets stuck. Really stuck.

I bought a copy of World of Warcraft last December. 30 days free? Well how nice of Blizzard. Ooooh Blizzard, you set a trap and I got caught. I love this game. Here it is February and I'm so completely hooked. (okay yes the game is the tar baby and I'm the rabbit and I Blizzard would be the fox...ain't I clever *grin*).

I'm at that point where I set time goals for myself: I'll only play for four hours this saturday. Okay just another hour. I wonder how long I could play without collapsing? You know those kind of goals were the game has grabbed you by the neck and isn't letting go. Oof!

Right now my main alt is a nightelf hunter. Which I have found out is the most common beginning character for someone to pick. So sue me. Nightelfs are good looking. And my alt has blue hair. And his eyes glow. Did I mention I have a pet? I mean that's just cool. (No I'm not 8. But small things can please me blue hair). Okay more later..........but for now, "Hi, my name is Rabbit and I'm a WoW addict"

"Hello Rabbit!"


Paul Tietjens said...

Chorus: Hi, Rabbit!

Rabbit Stew said...

Would anyone else like to share?

(hi bruthah)

Rusty said...

Hi Bunny!

Welcome to Warcrack Anon. Please refrain from eating all the cookies and, for heaven's sake, please moderate your beverage intake! BRB Bio's are ok once in a while, but don't be the instigator EVERY FREAKIN' TIME!

uh, where was I? Yeah, welcome...


Rabbit Stew said...

Hahhahah...Daxe, I went to a Mormon church with friends. And it was testimony meeting. Get up and give your testimony of why you love the church. This guy got up and give the most-heart wrenching story (it involved his mother dying and went downhill from there). My friends were sighing and rolling their eyes. What's up? He had given the SAME testimony each and every month for about three years. Someone should have grabbed him by the lapels and said "don't be the instigator EVERY FREAKIN' TIME."