Tuesday, May 20, 2008

'cause Wulfa asked: factions, schmactions

Beowulfa asked about the Aldor and Scyers, " what exactly am I looking forward to? What is this faction thing?"

All right, here's my answer:

World of Warcraft is built on the premise of factions. This is WARcraft....it is not a game about neutrality. Ya can't be Sweden. Blizzard hammers that home straight off: you want to play? You start the game by choosing between the two major factions: Alliance or Horde.

What's a faction? As WowWiki puts it, a faction is a group of joes allied by race or the same ideological stance. Sort of like the Jets and the Sharks. Or Pepsi vs. Coke drinkers. Or those who put the mayo on the bread vs. those who put it on the meat when they make a sandwich. As you complete some quests and activities, you build reputation with various factions. (Yup, it's totally a popularity contest).

Now some factions are not at each others throats (like, oh say, the Alliance and the Horde). I'm pretty sure that the Sporeggars can give two pips about what the Netherwings are doing.

But some factions are all worked up about some other faction and vice versa. The Aldors, a bunch of Dranei, really don't care for the Scyers. The Scryers, a bunch of blood elves, feel the same about the Aldors. However, both of them hang out in Shattrah. Oooooh, what to do? They are sharing the same neighborhood. Have to walk by each other on the street.

Their solution? Divvy up Shattrah. Each has their own platform. If you are not allied with them, well they ask most respectfully that you get your butt off their platform before they kick you off it.

Here's a link that'll explain the lore and the rewards behind these two factions.

And here's a link that compares the Aldor and Scryer rewards and why you might want to choose one over the other.


Beowulfa said...

I inspired a post! How cool! And many thanks for the explanation =)

Rabbit Stew said...

@beowulfa :-)