Friday, April 18, 2008

Postcards from Cynishade

Kid, how you doing? What happened to the Thrall Mandated Variety Show? I'm visiting the Scarlet Monastery. They were so NOT happy to see me. Scourge taint??? Kid, do they know I hang out with you???

Oh and since everyone likes a fashion show. And since Ratters' can't be the only sexy beast out there: Here's me sportin' the chapeau. I put on my "babe catching" face. I didn't get any girls but I did get a free drink at the bar. They said anyone brave enough to wear the chapeau deserved some compensation. /grin


Anonymous said...

Woot! Love the hat!

Rabbit Stew said...

ha! you know, I never pulled a close-up on my boy Cynishade. Those are some mighty long ears.

And the hat frames them so well.
