Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Yellow Pox Brings the Pox Down on the Pox-worthy

Hey, Yellow Pox of the Grand Experiment pug'd for the first time last night. I have posted a re-cap at the Pox Arcanum blog. So check it out. Scoot! .............................................................................................................................................................
are you still here? Aw come on, you can come back. Go read the re-cap.

EDIT: As Daxe has pointed out in the comments, the Yellow Pox "anti-pug'd" (/a slap to the head by an English major who *knows* that she should use terms correctly)

1 comment:

Rusty said...

NO PUGS!!! You didn't PuG!

Now, where was I? Oh, yesssss....
- Moroes